Course Details
Selected Chapters of Construction Processes
Academic Year 2025/26
Course Guarantor
Language of instruction
3 credits
Forms and criteria of assessment
graded course-unit credit
Offered to foreign students
Not to offer
Course on BUT site
13 weeks, 2 hours/week, elective
1. Engineering techniques used in the special foundation of constructions with relation to excavated underground structures.
2. Casing structures (stent walls , piles, underground walls), injection and anchoring in rock surroundings.
3. Nomenclature of underground structures. Tunnelling systems and assemblies.
4. Standard assemblies. Drilling and blasting. Ring Method.
5. New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM). Peripheral Notch Method . Microtunnelling.
6. Machines and equipment for the construction of underground structures (bored, cut-and-cover, combined, microtunnelling).
7. Production of steel and timber structures, welding of steel structures, connecting devices for steel and timber structures, transportation to the construction site.
8. Main methods of assembling steel and timber structures.
9. Execution of assembled ceiling structures.
10. Special concreting technologies.
11. Structural insulation, suitability of use and methods of execution.
12. Options for and methods of execution of industrial floors and floors in buildings. Cast and self-levelling floors.
13. Execution of roof and outer shells of buildings.
13 weeks, 1 hours/week, compulsory
1. Assignment of the semester programme – a selected part of an underground structure.
2. Overview of underground construction and boring technologies – video with commentary.
3.–4. New Austrian Tunnelling Method and special shields – video with commentary.
5.–6. Design of a casing structure using the Geo 5 programme.
7. Execution of metal structures – production of steel and timber structures.
8. Execution of metal structures – welding, connecting devices, main assembly methods.
9.–10. Execution of prefabricated ceiling structures. Construction systems, machines and mechanisms, workers, assembly procedures, quality requirements.
11.–12. Production of technical documentation for the installation of an assigned ceiling structure.
13. Evaluation of completed tasks, defence of proposed solutions.