Course Details

Discrete Methods in Civil Engineering II

Academic Year 2024/25

DA59 course is part of 7 study plans

D-K-C-SI (N) / VHS Winter Semester 2nd year

D-K-C-SI (N) / MGS Winter Semester 2nd year

D-K-C-SI (N) / PST Winter Semester 2nd year

D-K-C-SI (N) / FMI Winter Semester 2nd year

D-K-C-SI (N) / KDS Winter Semester 2nd year

D-K-C-GK / GAK Winter Semester 2nd year

D-K-E-SI (N) / PST Winter Semester 2nd year

Course Guarantor


Language of instruction



10 credits



Forms and criteria of assessment


Offered to foreign students

Not to offer

Course on BUT site


13 weeks, 3 hours/week, elective


a)Stability of equilibrium points. Kinds of stabily and instability. b)Stability of linear systems with the variable matrix. c)Stability of nonlinear systems via linearization. d)Ljapunov direct method of stability. e)Phase analysis of two-dimensional linear discrete system with constant matrix, classification of equilibrium points. f) Application of difference equations g)Discrete equivalents of continuous systems. h)Discrete control theory. i)The controllability and the complete controllability. j)Matrix of controllability, the canonical forms of controllability, controllable canonical form, construction of the control algorithm. k)Observability, complete observability, nononservability, principle of duality, the observability matrix, canonical forms of observability, relation of controllability and observability. l)Stabilization of control by feedback.