Course Details

Academic Writing

Academic Year 2024/25

VYA002 course is not part of any programme in the faculty

Course Guarantor


Language of instruction



2 credits



Forms and criteria of assessment

course-unit credit

Offered to foreign students

Not to offer

Course on BUT site


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, compulsory


1. CHARACTERISTICS AND TYPES OF ACADEMIC TEXTS Students’ experience with academic writing – characteristics and genres of academic writing – register and style – abbreviations, initialisms and acronyms 2. RESEARCH ARTICLES: FORMAT + WRITING PROCESS Format of typical research articles – the process of writing articles – phrases for defining – relative clauses 3. THE INTRODUCTION Characteristics of an Introduction section – past simple vs present perfect simple – phrases for classifying – phrases for describing cause and effect 4. THE LITERATURE REVIEW Characteristics of a literature review – phrases for being critical – phrases for giving examples – referencing, quoting and paraphrasing 5. VOCABULARY AND SPELLING Academic vocabulary – confusable words – UK vs US English – dictionaries and corpora 6. MATERIALS AND METHODS Characteristics of a Materials and Methods section – the passive voice – passive vs active in research articles 7. RESULTS Characteristics of a Results section – phrases for describing trends – visuals – phrases for comparing and contrasting 8. COHERENCE AND LINKING Giving a text coherence and clarity – summarizing and previewing sections – linking words and when not to use them – avoiding vagueness and confusion 9. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Characteristics of Discussion and Conclusion sections – phrases for describing quantities – modal verbs for deduction – hedging 10. TITLES AND HEADINGS Titles, headings and subheadings – capitalization – the definite and indefinite article 11. ABSTRACTS Characteristics of an abstract – conciseness (avoiding wordiness) – gerunds vs infinitives 12. REVISING AND EDITING Revising and editing – punctuation – subject-verb agreement