Course Details
Theory of Measurement and Control
Academic Year 2025/26
NWB030 course is part of 1 study plan
NPC-SIM Summer Semester 1st year
Course Guarantor
Language of instruction
4 credits
Forms and criteria of assessment
course-unit credit and examination
Offered to foreign students
Not to offer
Course on BUT site
13 weeks, 2 hours/week, elective
1. Basic Measurement Theory and the principles of the measurement of physical quantities. Terminology. Information Theory. Information and measurement data. Ethalons.
2. Basic properties of sensors. Overview of physical principles and their basic practical use. Resistive, capacitive and strain gauge sensors.
3. Piezoelectric sensors, sensors with Hall Effect, optical, semiconductor and microelectronic sensors.
4. Inductance, inductive and magnetic sensors.
5. Sensors with CCD elements, thermo-emissivity and non-contact sensors.
6. Chemical, laser, ultrasonic, tactile and nanosensors.
7. Theory and practice regarding error occurrence – calculation of values. Indefiniteness and uncertainty in measurement.
8. Assessment of uncertainty in measurements. Precision, reliability, repeatability and accuracy of measurements. Calibration.
9. Measurement of temperature, pressure, velocity, acceleration, vibration.
10. Measurement with tactile sensors. Measurement of flow, speed, distance, volume, level and electrical quantities.
11. Transformation of non-electrical quantities into electrical ones. Converters. Reliability and intelligence of sensors. Measuring chains and their elements. Analytical measurement systems.
12. Utilisation of computer technology. Interface systems and their protocols. Programmes for the performance of measurements.
13. The basics of automation and control technology. Control theory. Linear, nonlinear, extremal systems. Systems with fuzzy logic and common-sense reasoning. Control elements from production lines.
13 weeks, 2 hours/week, compulsory
1. Safety at work when using electrical equipment – electrical injuries. Terminology. Drawing of diagrams and symbols.
2. Industrial electrical noise/ interference, causes, consequences, limitation of harmful effects.
3. Analogue and digital signals – digitalization, converters.
4. Classification of sensors. Calibration. Sensor design specialities. Reliability and intelligence of sensors.
5.–6. Error analysis and calculations.
7. Analysis of uncertainties in measurement and the basics of their calculation.
8. Measuring chains. Connection systems and protocols.
9.–10. Use of computer technology. Selected measurement software examples.
11. Practical examples of the use of computer technology in the processing and evaluation of measurement results.
12. Control elements for production lines.
13. Modelling and simulation of control systems and production line control.