Course Details

Waterworks Structures

Academic Year 2025/26

BSA001 course is part of 3 study plans

BPA-SI Winter Semester 2nd year

BPC-SI / VS Winter Semester 2nd year

BKC-SI Winter Semester 2nd year

Course Guarantor


Language of instruction

Czech, English


5 credits



Forms and criteria of assessment

course-unit credit and examination

Offered to foreign students

To offer to students of all faculties

Course on BUT site


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, elective


1. Introduction and basic information about the subject. 2. Open water reservoirs, dams and water-power utilization. 3. Weirs, water withdrawal from watercourses, waterways and navigation. 4. Watercourses, their development and treatment, torrent control. 5. Basic concepts and relations of hydraulics – physical properties of liquids, hydrostatic and body filling, hydrodynamics. 6. Basic concepts and relations of hydraulics – steady pressure flow, flow of water in open channels, overflows. 7. Basic concepts and relations of hydraulics – outlet through the hole, energy height of the cross section (water jump), flow of groundwater. 8. Hydrology, water cycle in nature, measurement of climatic variables, hydrology of reservoirs. 9. Ponds and purpose reservoirs, flood control, dikes. 10. Irrigations, drainage, watershed protection. 11. Municipal engineering. 12. Drinking water supply, treatment and transport of water, balneotechnology. 13. Sewerage and sewage water treatment.


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, compulsory


1.–6. Excursions to the laboratories of water management institutes. 7.–12. Work up 6 basic hydraulic calculations.