Course Details

Concrete Structures 3

Academic Year 2025/26

BLB006 course is part of 1 study plan

BPC-SI / S Summer Semester 4th year

Course Guarantor


Language of instruction



4 credits



Forms and criteria of assessment

course-unit credit and examination

Offered to foreign students

Not to offer

Course on BUT site


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, elective


1. Foundation structures as a part of the reliability system “subsoil – foundation – overground structure”. Results of geological survey. Foundations reliability. Limit states of subsoil and foundation structures load-bearing capacity. 2. Interactive models of system: subsoil – foundation – structure above foundation. Comprehensive and simplified interactive system. Modelling of subsoil and foundation structures. Software Soilin. 3. Shallow foundations. Distribution of contact stress in footing bottom. Detail design of footings from plain and reinforced concrete. Detail design of uniformly pressed continuous footing. 4. Shallow foundations. Detail design of grid and mat foundations, slabs. 5. Shallow foundations. Footings of precast structures (pocket foundation) – detail design. Toroidal and shell foundations. Box and massive blocks foundations. 6. Deep foundations. Limit states of subsoil and pile. Pile foundations, group of piles, footings above piles. Anchored and non-anchored underground concrete walls. 7. Foundations dynamically loaded. Response of machines on dynamic load action. 8. Foundations in the clearances and in the special conditions. Foundation structures at reconstructions. 9. Design of storage structures (bunkers and silos). Structural arrangement, pressure of fillers, principles of solution. Dimensioning and reinforcing of individual member of storage tanks. 10. Design of rectangular and rotary symmetric reservoirs. Water reservoirs. 11. Design of channels and ducts. Principles of structures and foundations design in the undermining areas.


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, compulsory


1. Footing – Geotechnical category I – task, load. 2. Footing – Geotechnical category II – ultimate limit states of foundation base. 3. Footing – Geotechnical category II – serviceability limit states (settlement). 4. Footing – ultimate limit states of bending moment and punching. 5. Continuous Footing – task, simplified methods. 6. Continuous Footing on elastic foundation. 7. Raft foundations – task, load, simplified methods. 8. Raft foundations – Interactive model of system subsoil – foundation. 9. Pile foundations – task, design of cap for group of piles 10. Pile foundations – design of pile. 11. Project submission. Credit.