Course Details
Urban Design and Town Planning
Academic Year 2024/25
BGB001 course is part of 2 study plans
BPC-SI / S Summer Semester 4th year
CZV1-AKR / PBC Summer Semester 1st year
Course Guarantor
Language of instruction
4 credits
Forms and criteria of assessment
course-unit credit and examination
Offered to foreign students
Not to offer
Course on BUT site
13 weeks, 2 hours/week, elective
1. Historical development of urban planning I.
2. Historical development of urban planning II.
3. Modern urban planning and temporary urban design trends.
4. Settlements (typology, configuration and development).
5. Functional urban systems – residential and industrial areas.
6. Functional urban systems – traffic and technical infrastructure.
7. Functional landscape systems.
8. Rural settlement and landscape.
9. Social base of an urban development – ecological, social and cultural.
10. Social base of an urban development – traffic and technical infrastructure.
11. Urban development, urban design concept.
12. Urban design.
13. Landscape planning and supervision.
13 weeks, 2 hours/week, compulsory
1.–2. Introduction of the requirements. Working approach. Presentation of topics.
3.–4. Analysis of planning documentation, tutorials task.
5.–6. An analysis of the city quarters, tutorials task.
7.–8. Analysis of selected development areas, tutorial task.
9.–10. Consultation.
11. Review of work.