Course Details

German for Intermediate Students

Academic Year 2024/25

VYN005 course is not part of any programme in the faculty

Course Guarantor


Language of instruction



2 credits



Forms and criteria of assessment

course-unit credit

Offered to foreign students

Not to offer

Course on BUT site


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, compulsory


1st week - preposition als and wenn, Präteritum, topic: good luck, bad luck 2nd week - Plusquamperfekt, topic: newspaper articles, happy moments in life 3rd week - relative pronouns and relative clauses, topic: TV programme 4th week - genitive, topic: bodily exercise, healthy lifestyle 5th week - passive voice, topic: at the doctor 6th week - 2nd conditional, conjunctions darum, deswegen, topic: learning foreign languages 7th week - infinitive +zu, topic: team work 8th week - the phrase brauchen +zu, topic: job and career, creativity 9th week - clauses with um +zu, damit, topic: holiday 10th week - infinitive constructions statt +zu, ohne +zu, topic: weather 11th week - two-piece conjunctions, topic: house and flat 12th week - 3rd conditional, topic: neighbours, commuting