Course Details

Selected Chapters of Concrete Structures 1 (S)

Academic Year 2025/26

NLB025 course is part of 1 study plan

NPC-SIS Summer Semester 1st year

Course Guarantor


Language of instruction



5 credits



Forms and criteria of assessment

course-unit credit and examination

Offered to foreign students

Not to offer

Course on BUT site


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, elective


1. The relationship of the construction design and computational model. Static analysis, plasticity method. Strut and tie model. Proportioning of nodes, struts and ties. 2. Deep wall beam. Reinforcement design of brackets, corbels and discontinuity zones. 3. Variable angle truss model, interaction of internal forces acting on concrete cross-section. 4. Design of concrete structures to fatigue - the concept and methods for the assessment of concrete and reinforcement. 5. Hybrid structures. Influence of rheology of concrete on structural behaviour. Principal of rheological phenomena. Effects of creep and shrinkage, non-homogeneity of structures. Colonnetti’s theorems. Components of concrete strain. 6. Delayed strain. Principle of linearity (stress, temperature) and superposition, stress history, ageing of concrete. 7. Simplified and numerical methods for the analysis of rheological effects on structures – effective modulus methods, effective time method. 8. Time discretization method, its combination with finite element method. 9. Structural analysis of progressively constructed prestressed structures, force method, influence of shrinkage and creep. 10. Experimental structural analysis, model similarity. Temperature effects on concrete – calculation of temperature stress acting on the structure. 11. Introduction to the problems of waterproof foundation structures designing, conceptual design. Static loads, loads from volumetric changes, other loads including the effect of sedimentation of the object (interaction with the subsoil). Design of waterproof concrete structures. 12. Design of waterproof concrete structures. Calculation and dimensioning. Sealing of joints and penetrations. Implementation principles, examples of implementation. Rehabilitation of defects and failures of waterproof concrete structures (especially crack injection). 13. Use of FRP reinforcement in concrete structures. Manufacturing, material characteristics. Short-term and long-term behavior of FRP reinforcements. Designing of concrete structures reinforced with FRP reinforcement.


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, compulsory


1. Deep wall beam – solving by truss analogy method. 2. Short bracket (corbel) – solving by truss analogy method. 3.–4. Calculating of the effects of creep on concrete structures – principle of superposition. 5.–6. Assessment of the limit of normal stresses from the operating effects of prestressing on the bridge structure – the use of force method for creep calculation. 7. Correction. 8.–9. Calculation of stress in the concrete sections of composite columns by time discretization analysis (basic method TDA). 10. Correction. 11. Possibility of modelling of the creep effect on concrete structures – practical exercises. 12. Final correction. 13. Design submission. Credit.