Course Details

Sanitation Installations and Gas Installations

Academic Year 2024/25

BTB010 course is part of 2 study plans

BPC-SI / S Summer Semester 4th year

CZV1-AKR / PBC Summer Semester 1st year

Course Guarantor


Language of instruction



4 credits



Forms and criteria of assessment

course-unit credit and examination

Offered to foreign students

Not to offer

Course on BUT site


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, elective


1. Hydraulic of drainage, gravity drainage systems inside high buildings(sample function of the stack on the model in the laboratory of building services). 2. Separators, small wastewater treatment systems. 3. Retention of rainwater, rainwater harvesting systems, roof drainage with siphonic system, safety overflows. 4. Hydraulic of water installations, detailed calculation method for pipe sizing, water demand. 5. Generation of potable hot water - designing methods, fire-water supply, protection against pollution of potable water in water installations. 6. Pumping devices for drainage and water installations inside buildings. 7. Gas distribution pipelines and service lines. 8. Gas pipeworks and appliances for buildings. 9. Industrial gaslines and gas boiler houses. 10. Pressure gas stations and distribution of liquefied petrol gases (LPG). 11. Gas pressure regulators and gas meters.


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, compulsory


1. Design and sizing of stack in drainage system at the desired high building. 2. Sizing of domestic wastewater treatment plant for a given building, grease traps and separators for light liquids. 3. Sizing of retention tanks, stormwater soakaways and safety overflow entered the building roof. 4. Design and sizing of water installation in a given building, balance the needs of water entered the building. 5. Sizing of water heaters for a given building. 6. Flow and pump head destination. 7. Design low and medium pressure gas service pipe for a given building. 8. Design and sizing of gas installation pipework in a given building. 9. Design of gas installation in the boiler room. 10. Design pressure regulator and meter for a given building. 11. Submission design and calculations, credit.