Course Details

German for Beginners

Academic Year 2024/25

VYN001 course is not part of any programme in the faculty

Course Guarantor


Language of instruction



2 credits



Forms and criteria of assessment

course-unit credit

Offered to foreign students

Not to offer

Course on BUT site


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, compulsory


1st week: personal pronouns, preposition aus, verbs sein, kommen, sprechen, the alphabet, topic: meeting people, introducing yourself 2nd week: revision, verbs leben, haben, preposition in, topic: family, filling in a form 3rd week: numbers 0-20, possessive pronouns, topic: family, personal details 4th week: word order, indefinite article, plural, verb essen, topic: food and drink 5th week: numbers 21-100, negative, definite article, advebs hier/dort, topic: living in a house or a flat 6th week: questions, numbers 100-1 000 000, negative nicht, adjectives, téma: furniture 7th week: separable prefixes, prepositions an, um, von, topic: telling the time, days of the week 8th week: verbs sehen, arbeiten, verb position in a sentence, topic: daily routine, weather 9th week: accusative, vebs lesen, treffen, schlafen etc., topic: hobbies 10th week: modal vebs koennen, wollen, past tense – intro, topic: plans and goals 11th week: past tense („Perfekt“) with sein and haben, topic: learning goals 12th week: revision, test