Research Groups in
Advanced Civil Engineering Construction and Transportation
Load-bearing Structures of Buildings
Leader: prof. Ing. Jan Pěnčík, Ph.D.
The research focuses on traditional, modern or recycled materials in accordance with the Green Deal and circular economy concepts for the design of load-bearing structures of civil engineering buildings. The group uses numerical modelling and analysis tools for load-bearing structures or their details using ANSYS and ATENA software and experimental testing methods for building structures or their details to validate designs and compare with numerical analyses and optimization of building structures using model similarity. The main topics are the development of material models of cement fibreboards with different types of reinforcing fibres and precast concrete mixtures for 3DCP, interior staircase structures, brick prefabrication, 3DCP or timber-based load-bearing structures and the replacement of coniferous timber with hardwood in load-bearing structures. The group works closely with the Robotics and 3D Printing Laboratory of the AdMaS Centre and the Laboratory and 3D Printing Group.
TAČR: Výzkum a vývoj systému konstrukčních kompozitních desek na bázi cementu a organických vláken pro dřevostavby a občanskou výstavbu
MPO: Výzkum a vývoj nového stavebního materiálu spočívajícího v kompozitní sendvičové desce pro vegetační vertikální konstrukce
Prototyp schodiště CEMVIN: schodiště z desek z cementových vláken
Mathematical Analysis for Engineering Problem Solving
Leader: prof. Ing. Jiří Vala, CSc.
For research on advanced structures, the Department of Mathematics uses numerical and applied mathematics, inverse and optimization problems. Researchers work on mathematical analyses to support the solution of engineering problems or forensic engineering topics, such as computational modeling in mechanics of deformable bodies and environments. They are working on qualitative properties of solutions via different types of equations (differential, functional, discrete, partial) as well as non-traditional problems within the calculus of variations. They apply numerical methods, using statistics, algebra and its structures, modelling, probability, time series analysis or regression analysis. They also deal with descriptive geometry.
Building Testing – Diagnostics of Structures
Leader: doc. Ing. Ondřej Anton, Ph.D.
The group is dedicated to broad-spectrum research in the field of expanding the possibilities of existing and creating new methods of practical applications of state-of-the-art methods of diagnostics of building structures and materials. The research is mainly focused on diagnostics of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures and elements, brickwork and masonry elements and timber structures and elements.
The team uses the most modern diagnostic methods - ultrasound, pulse echo, radar, eddy currents, and in the field of wooden structures the principles of resistance drilling and resistive spike stopping. In particular, the main objective is the development of new methodologies and procedures for sophisticated diagnostics of existing structures, with an emphasis on sustainability and maximum reduction of reconstruction costs and extension of the service life of existing structures, especially those with significant social and heritage value.
NAKI II DG18P02OVV068: Comprehensive diagnosis of masonry elements of historical buildings in terms of age, origin and physical-mechanical properties in relation to humidity, and their replacement in historical buildings
Building Testing – Experimental Analysis
Leader: doc. Ing. Petr Daněk, Ph.D.
Building Testing is a complex set of activities in the field of scientific research activities focused on the use of experimental techniques for verification and determination of physical and mechanical properties of building materials, components, structural elements or models of real structures. The working group is involved in interdisciplinary activities in the field of basic and applied research. It provides the experimental parts of projects in cooperation with materials engineers, structural engineers and theoretical disciplines in order to best predict the mechanical resistance, durability, service life and reliability of materials and structural systems under development. The activities take advantage of the deep knowledge and long experience of the research group and the modern instrumentation that is an integral and necessary part of effective and comprehensive research and development.
The test laboratories are equipped with mechanical and hydraulic test equipment with a test range from 30 to 4000 kN, a variable hydraulic loading system and a surface loading system. This equipment is suitable for a wide range of applications - from material testing to testing of components, elements or entire structures. Air-conditioned laboratories and climate chambers for long-term shrinkage and curing of concrete materials are an integral part of the system. The department also has a wide range of sensors, measuring panels and equipment for collecting and evaluating monitored quantities during testing.
Municipal Water Management
Leader: doc. Tomáš Kučera, Ph.D.
The main focus is applied research in the field of urban water management, which helps scientists to solve problems in the water, urban drainage and wastewater treatment sectors. The Institute continues a long tradition and excellent reputation. Successful Czech and international scientific research projects, cooperation with scientific and commercial partners, renowned international conferences and professional, practice-oriented seminars are the main focus of its activities. All members of the group are also expert members of CzWA - Water Association of the Czech Republic, some of them are also authorized engineers of ČKAIT and some of them act as expert witnesses in the fields of water supply and urban drainage.
Vývoj patentované technologie Astacus pro čištění vodovodního potrubí metodou řízeného proplachování po úsecích, patent č.: 309183. Licenci vynálezu zakoupila společnost VODA BRNO, s.r.o. spin-off VUT, která zařízení vyrábí a distribuuje do praxe.
Vývoj patentované technologie pro optimalizaci řízení jakosti pitné vody v koncových úsecích vodovodního potrubí, patent č.: 308414. Licenci vynálezu zakoupila společnost VODA BRNO, s.r.o. spin-off VUT, která zařízení vyrábí a distribuuje do praxe.
Vývoj patentované technologie pro zajištění automatického proplachování tlakové kanalizace a systém k provádění tohoto způsobu, patent č.: 306856 a evropský patent č.: EP3263786B1. Licenci vynálezu zakoupila společnost PRESSKAN system, a.s., která zařízení vyrábí a distribuuje do praxe.
Environmental and Safety Aspects of Construction
Leader: doc. Ing. Radka Kantová, Ph.D.
The group deals with the analysis, research, development, modelling, optimization and implementation of construction site objects and equipment for production processes in the construction industry.
The group focuses on the design of mechanization and automation of construction processes, optimization of the deployment of machinery in accordance with the applicable legislation on health protection against adverse effects of noise and vibration, creates models of the acoustic situation of the construction site to determine the values in the protected outdoor area of buildings. From the results of the site acoustic model, it proposes adjustments to the choice of construction machinery and the construction schedule. All in accordance with the principles of the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) certification systems.
Sustainable Development and Green Infrastructure
Leader: Ing. Martin Mohapl, Ph.D.
The research group is dedicated to the research of new technologies and approaches in the realization of construction objects within the framework of sustainable development. Construction technologies are investigated mainly in terms of energy consumption and water management. The application of new materials and combinations of recyclates is tested for green infrastructure elements such as green roofs. One of the outputs of the research is utility models, which are used to determine the environmental performance of construction units.
Zařízení pro kontrolu ozeleněných střech, 35850, užitný vzor, 2022
Zařízení pro testování pokrytí střech kamenivem nebo vegetací, 38247, užitný vzor, 2020
Sendvičový panel pro pokrytí střech vegetací, 33745, užitný vzor, 2020
Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of the Production Area of Buildings
Leader: doc. Ing. Vít Motyčka, CSc.
The design of the production area of the building is an important part of the construction and technological preparation, it creates and significantly influences the production conditions for the rational course of the construction. It has a significant impact on the smooth progress of construction and the overall financial costs. The use of construction machinery plays an important role in the efficiency of construction. In civil engineering, these are mainly earthmoving machines and tower cranes. The research group deals with modelling, simulation and optimisation of the design of tower cranes and their assemblies in the construction industry. Using deterministic and stochastic approaches, simulation models of the work of construction machines are created, with the aim of their effective use in the implemented construction. Another area of research is the analysis and possibilities of solving the production space of construction in difficult conditions of construction in the centers of cities and agglomerations, reduction and possible elimination of these difficult conditions.
Software CranOcc1.0; Časové vytížení stavebních jeřábů 1.0
Software Časové vytížení stavebních jeřábů 2.0; Časové vytížení stavebních jeřábů - Crane Occupancy 2.0
Progressive Bonded and Cemented Joints
Leader: Ing. et Ing. Barbora Nečasová, Ph.D.
The main activity of the group is research on bonded and cemented joints in combination with various materials. The activity is mainly focused on their implementation in practice and subsequently on the investigation of changes in their properties due to ageing. The group collaborates with practitioners and tests their materials.
Návrh nového zkušebního tělesa a zařízení pro posouzení deformačních vlastností spojů: Zkušební zařízení pro periodicky se opakující namáhání trvale pružných spojů, 33768, užitný vzor, 2020
Modular and Hybrid Construction
Leader: Ing. Mgr. Jiří Šlanhof, Ph.D.
A new perspective topic at the Institute of Technology, Mechanization and Construction Management is the research and development group in the field of modular and hybrid buildings, which includes cooperation with specialists from various disciplines in the field of optimization of structural design and compositions in terms of mechanical resistance and stability, building physics, fire safety and acoustics. The research also includes building technology aspects of structural design, budgeting, sequencing of implementation activities and time planning. The topic of modular buildings is developed in cooperation with KOMA MODULAR s.r.o.
Spolupráce na vývoji nového modulového systému společnosti KOMA MODULAR s.r.o. pro vícepodlažní obytné budovy. Vývoj stále probíhá.
Uncertainty Quantification, Reliability of Structures and Systems, stochastic analysis and design of optimal computer experiments
Leader: prof. Ing. Miroslav Vořechovský, Ph.D.
The team is engaged in the development of methods using computer models of any phenomenon to understand the propagation of uncertainties and imprecisions in input variables through these transformations, screening, parameter optimization, sensitivity analyses, statistical analyses, and also reliability analyses with the goal of determining the probabilities of rare events and occurrences. The analyzed models are typically very computationally demanding. In addition to constructing optimal one-shot designs of computer experiments, we also create adaptively augmented point designs.
The relevant keywords include Monte Carlo methods, Quasi Monte Carlo sequences, Latin hypercube sampling, stratified sampling, asymptotic sampling, subset simulation, Low-discrepancy and space filling designs, active learning, space decomposition methods, dimension reduction methods (linear and nonlinear). These analyses often utilize surrogate models (metamodels) in the form of polynomial chaos, nearest neighbor methods, kriging and radial basis functions, etc. Computer simulation designs and surrogate models are used for a wide range of models, often also for statically and dynamically stressed structures.
Building Virtualization and the Use of Artificial Reality
Leader: Ing. Ondřej Pilný, Ph.D.
The group's activities are primarily focused on the use of technologies related to artificial reality in all its forms (virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality) and its subsequent application as a visualization and control tool in the construction industry. Within this application, the activity is divided into the practical use of this technology, i.e. the transfer of real or designed buildings into the most authentic digital form and the subsequent presentation or control of data in accordance with the BIM methodology, or application research. The latter is focused on creating effective tools and methodologies for not only preparing models efficiently, but also for fully exploiting their content in the form of geometric and non-geometric metadata contained in them.
KOLÁŘ, J.; JEDLIČKA, M.; MÜLLER, J.; SLÁDEČEK, F.; PILNÝ, O.; REMEŠ, J.; APELTAUER, T.; VYHNÁLEK, R.; UHLÍK, O.; ŠNIRCH, Z.; KRATOCHVÍLOVÁ, M.; BARTOŠOVÁ, H.: TN01000056/2-V1; Propojení softwarových komponent informačního modelu stavby a virtuální reality. (ověřená technologie)
Probabilistic Design of Concrete Structures using Metamodelling and Safety Formats
Leader: prof. Ing. Drahomír Novák, DrSc.
The main activity of the group is the systematic development of all aspects and methods needed for effective probabilistic design of concrete structures with respect to the life cycle based on stochastic nonlinear computational mechanics. The main motivation is the need to work efficiently with time-consuming computational models at the stochastic level. There is a need for methods that approximate the original computationally intensive models with simpler ones that are fast to compute. Therefore, methods are being developed for surrogate metamodels based on polynomial chaos approximation and artificial neural networks. The research results will contribute to the development and application of advanced techniques for complex fully probabilistic design of concrete structures/bridges with consideration of uncertainties. The significance of the research can be expected mainly in the use of the multi-fidelity concept, validation and application of the developed methods for concrete bridge structures. Approaches that are suitable for fully probabilistic design of bridge engineering structures using numerical simulations with consideration of uncertainties will be integrated and applied.
Global Sensitivity Analysis in Stochastic Structural Mechanics Models
Leader: prof. Ing. Zdeněk Kala, Ph.D.
The main focus of the group is to conduct research and development of new methods for global sensitivity analysis, with emphasis on quantification of additive and interaction effects in stochastic computational models of structural mechanics. The main objective is to improve the understanding of the uncertainty propagation process from input data to model results, with respect to reliability assessment of load-bearing structures. The project is intensively focused on geometrically nonlinear modeling problems in ANSYS and other software applications. He effectively combines existing tools and creates new software combinations. Researchers create case studies using nonlinear computational models of stochastic structural mechanics.
Inverse Problems in Civil Engineering
Leader: prof. Ing. David Lehký
The group deals with the solution of inverse problems throughout the life cycle of engineering structures. It uses a combination of classical methods with machine learning methods. The researchers have developed a methodology for the experimental-computational determination of mechanical and fracture parameters of cement composites. They participate in the development of advanced high performance and environmentally friendly materials. They are involved in the analysis of structural degradation including its mathematical modelling, advanced methods for the assessment of load capacity, reliability and durability of structures. They develop methods for identifying damage to structures using their vibration response. The group assists in reliability design and reliability optimization of structures considering uncertainties. It implements the developed methods in end-user computational software.
PREDIKT-C, software for the analysis of the resistance of a reinforced concrete bridge beam with regard to the course of degradation processes, 2022
SENSIT, software for simulation-based sensitivity analysis, 2021
Fracture Mechanics of Building Materials and Structures
Leader: prof. Ing. Zbyněk Keršner, CSc.
The group investigates aspects of fracture mechanics and the application and development of its techniques to the broad field of quasi-brittle building materials in particular. It works in an interdisciplinary way (structural mechanics, structural testing, chemistry, etc.) and uses a combination of expert persons in different areas of numerical simulation, structural science and practice, cooperation with the Institute of Physics of Materials of the CAS in Brno and support of students, especially at the PhD level. It comprehensively analyses the mechanical response of structural elements, primarily using fracture experiments with correction of measured data and identification of especially the values of selected parameters of numerical models, applicable to advanced calculations of the response of the building structure. Most often, the analysis of the response of bodies made of silicate-based composites, but also materials with substitution of cement dosage by reactive admixtures based on secondary raw materials, multifunctional composites, selected rocks, etc.
Computational Mechanics of Heterogeneous Materials
Leader: prof. Ing. Jan Eliáš, Ph.D.
The main activity of the group is research of numerical methods for analysis of mechanical and multiphysical behaviour of materials. It deals with steady state and transient phenomena in solids. The researchers use numerical simulations of crack initiation and growth in quasi-brittle materials such as concrete, ceramics and other composites with disordered internal structure. To this end, they are developing a dedicated mesoscale discrete model. Other important research directions include solving transport problems, such as heat or moisture conduction, and coupled problems combining several interacting physical phenomena, linking mechanics and probabilistic methods, optimization techniques, and more recently, homogenization of heterogeneous structures with nonlinear behavior. The vast majority of calculations are performed in a proprietary numerical solver called OAS (Open Academic Solver).
Probabilistic Mechanics of Heterogeneous Cementitious Composites and Textile Concretes
Leader: prof. Ing. Miroslav Vořechovský, Ph.D.
The spatial variability of parameters in cementitious composites and their disordered internal structure determines the specific nature of their response to mechanical and environmental stresses. Among the characteristic manifestations are the energetic/deterministic and statistical size effect on the strength of structures, which are difficult to incorporate into standard predictions based on elasticity or plasticity theories. Similarly, the random heterogeneity of inclusions (aggregates), the composition of the cement paste, and porosity, as well as the use of fibrous reinforcement in the form of short fibers or structured reinforcement in textile concrete, play a role. In research, the team focuses on understanding and modeling the statistical strength of both the fibrous reinforcement and the composite material and structures. It employs methods of continuum mechanics and discrete models that combine models of plasticity and damage to predict or even capture behavior under monotonic and cyclic loading, recently with an emphasis on fatigue.
doc. Ing.
Research Theme Coordinator Advanced Civil Engineering Construction and Transportation