doc. Ing.

Jaroslav Veselý


VST – Assoc. professor

+420 541 147 280

Further information

  • Vesely J. et al.: Rain separators (1.realization in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic of the Czech Republic in Benešov u Boskovic),LVS ÚVST FAST VUT Brno, 1991-2. Retention tank RN Jeneweinova, Brno, 2013.
  • Vesely J. et al.: Model research by VD Gries on the Salzach River in Austria, for TKW Salzburg, LVV ÚVST FAST VUT Brno 1989-1993.
  • Vesely J. et al.: A physical model of the natural catchment stage on the Morávka river weir Vyšní Lhoty, LVV ÚVST FAST VUT Brno, 2001 Vesely J. et al.: Study of navigable transport, erosion and sedimentation marches on the Czech-Polish section of river Odra (from km -3.93 to 3.978), for WWF Auen, doe ÚVST FAST VUT Brno 2002 Vesely J. et al.: A comprehensive assessment of the navigable survey of the main flows of the Oder Basin. A summary of the results of research carried out between 1962 and 2000. INVST FAST VUT Brno 2002
  • VESELÝ, J.; MILERSKI, R.; MICIN, J.: Waterworks, , ISBN 80-214-2896-1, CERM, s.r.o., Brno