Course Details

Fundamentals of Technological Processes

Academic Year 2024/25

BJ005 course is not part of any programme in the faculty

Course Guarantor


Language of instruction



5 credits



Forms and criteria of assessment

course-unit credit and examination

Offered to foreign students

Not to offer

Course on BUT site


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, elective


1. Sedimentation. Sedimentation rate. Performance sedimentation. 2. Filtration. The filtration rate. The filtration process. 3. Size of the centrifugal force. 4. Fluidization. 5. Mixing and homogenization of a mixture of substances. Blending in liquid environments. Mixing solid, powdery and paste environment. Mixing efficiency. 6. Basic theory of compaction. Daubing. Vibrating. Pressing. Rolling. 7. High-speed water jet technology. Principle. Parameters. Technical equipment for high-speed water jet technology. 8. Possible applications of high-speed water jet technology in civil engineering. Safety aspects of the use of high-speed water jet. 9. Quality assurance processes according to CSN EN ISO 9001 - Quality Management Systems - Requirements. 10. Environmental management according to DIN EN ISO 140001 Environmental management systems - Requirements with guidance for use. 11. Technical requirements for products 12. Basic information to ensure consistency and accuracy of measuring instruments and measurements according to Law no. 505/1990 Metrology and related regulations. 13. Quality evaluation processes using statistics. Conformance test distribution, quality control. Estimation and hypothesis testing.


13 weeks, 2 hours/week, compulsory


1. Ishikawa diagram. 2. Numerical examples sedimentation process. The rate of establishment. Performance sedimentation. 3. Centrifugal process. Size of the centrifugal force. 4. Numerical examples filtration process. The filtration rate. The filtration process. 5. Mixing and homogenization of a mixture of substances. Mixing efficiency. Power mixers. 6. Excursion. 7. Pareto analysis. 8. FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) 9. Estimation Theory. Estimates of the basic set of parameters known - calculated - the characteristics of a random sample, the point estimate, determination of confidence intervals. 10. Statistical hypothesis. Testing the significance of differences. Tests compliance division. Outlier test results of observation. 11. Statistical evaluation of concrete classes according to ČSN EN 206 - 1 12. Shewhart control charts. The principle use of practical application, the calculation model examples. 13. Final inspection reports from previous exercises and all course requirements. Credit.