PBE invites original, previously unpublished scientific and research papers. Submitted papers should not be under consideration for any other publication at the time of submission. All papers to be published are subject to a double blind peer review process. The Organising Committee will accept the maximum of three papers from one participating author.


Authors are invited to submit their paper(s) by e-mail to pbe@fce.vutbr.cz until 15 February 2020. Authors may suggest the publication platform (journal / proceedings) in which they would like to have their paper published (this is done via the Registration Form). The final decision will be made by the editors of the 2020 edition and/or editors of the respective journals. All submitted papers should be prepared in the IOP Template. For papers that have been suggested by PBE2020 editors for publication in one of the journals, it is the author’s responsibility to amend the paper according to the requirements of the particular journal.


  • Your paper is an original work, previously unpublished. The paper is not under consideration for any other publication.
  • The paper is drafted in MS Word (.doc; .docx) open format.
  • The text is prepared according to Guidelines and in Template.
  • Authors have obtained permission to reproduce copyrighted material used in the paper from the copyright holders.
  • Authors agree with IOP Proceedings Licence.


IOP conference series articles are currently published under a CC BY licence. For further information on what the CC BY licence allows, please refer to this page.
For papers to be published in journals, the respective licence of the particular journal will be applied.


Paper page limit: 6-12 pages including appendix. The paper must be written in English. The language in submitted papers must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. It is author's responsibility to ensure the quality of the language.

Abstract: The abstract should give a brief overview of the most relevant aspects of the paper. The abstract must be structured as follows: purpose of the research, methodology, main results and major conclusions. Authors are kindly asked to avoid using references and uncommon abbreviations in the abstract. It is essential that the abstract is able to stand alone (separately from the whole manuscript). Abstract word count: up to 200 words.

Structure of the paper: This depends on the paper’s contents, but authors are strongly encouraged to divide the manuscript into clearly defined and numbered chapters. The structure should be prepared as follows:
  • Introduction (state the aim of the research)
  • Literature Review (please use primarily up-to-date literature published in internationally recognised journals; only published articles/works can be used as references)
  • Methods/Methodology (provide sufficient detailed information on research done to enable your research to be reproduced)
  • Results (results must be clear and transparent)
  • Discussion (explain the substance and importance of the achieved results)
  • Conclusion (give most important conclusion from your paper)
  • References (requirements for referring to other papers are provided; not numbered section)
  • Acknowledgments (optional section; not numbered section)