If you travel to Rožnov by air, we suggest to go through Ostrava (60 km), Katowice (150 km), Vienna (260 km) or Prague (330 km) international airports. Rožnov has train and bus connection with all major cities in the Czech Republic as well as with Katowice and Vienna (by train). To search for train connections we suggest to use the Czech Railways website. Webiste for searching bus connections and combinations with trains is available: here.

Since Rožnov is a bit further away from international airports, the Organising Committee will arrange for transport from the main railway corridors (Vienna – Katowice, Prague - Katowice) for guests travelling by plane / train, if they so request.

The Czech Republic joined the Schengen Area in 2007, which means that visas and residence permits issued by one of the Schengen Member States are also valid in the Czech Republic, and visas/residence permits issued by Czech authorities are (as a general rule) also valid in the entire Schengen Area encompassing 26 European countries.

Participants asking for an Invitation letter (visa procedure) must provide the organiser with the following information: full name, date and place of birth, nationality, passport number, place of issue and period of validity of the passport, duration and address of the stay, and a copy of a valid passport with minimum validity until 1 February 2021. Please note that only participants who are registered to the conference with all costs (registration fee) paid and who have submitted papers will receive the invitation letter. In case you do not obtain the visa, the full amount of the fee reduced by EUR 50 + VAT 21% for agency costs will be refunded. It is recommended to contact the Embassy of the Czech Republic in your country before the intended departure.